2024-2025 Research Events

Research Calendar

For a calendar of internal research application deadlines and award notifications (Faculty Activity Report, Faculty Research Grant, Faculty Research Status, and Undergraduate Research Scholar Award), please click here.

2023-2024 School Year

The following events were scheduled to take place on the campus of Andrews University. Please contact the conference planners for additional details.

If you know of or are planning an event that you would like to see listed here please email research@andrews.edu. View past events here.

Dwain L. Ford Lecture Series organized by the Chemistry department can be found here

DATE                                                     EVENT PLENARY SPEAKERS(S) LOCATION    TIME                                          
October 18, 2023 Robert and Lillis Kingman Lecture Series on Science and Society: “Understanding Tomorrow Today: Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Society” Dewey Murdick (Executive Director at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET))  Howard Performing Arts Center (Hybrid) 7:00 pm (EST)
October 19, 2023 Celebration of Community Engagement: Living the Mission Poster, Plenary, and Video presentations (Andrews Faculty & Departments) Newbold Auditorium, Buller Hall 6:00 pm (EST)
October 20, 2022 Celebration of Research Plenary & Breakout Sessions Buller Hall  12:30 pm (EST)
October 27-28, 2023 Andrews Autumn Conference on Religion and Science: Neither Fools nor Heretics Todd Wood and Darrel Falk Price Hall 12:30 pm (EST)
November 17, 2023 Leaders in the field: Self-Care in Challenging Times Cirecie A. West-Olatunji (director of the Center for Equity, Justice, and the Human Spirit at Xavier University) Virtual (ZOOM) 11AM (EST)
February 29-March 2, 2024 Summit on Social Consciousness: Race. Religion. Reflections. Andrews University: The Institutional Saga (1960-1980) Video of alumni and employees and panel discussions contact: research@andrews.edu   
March 10, 2024  Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium  Poster Presentations from the Andrews Honors Scholars & Undergraduate Researchers 

Buller Hall

Contact: Maxine Umana(honors@andrews.edu) 

2:30 pm (EST)
April 1, 2024  Ellen White Issues Symposium  Presentations from Scholars & Students  Virtual  9AM 
April 11, 2024  Andrews University Teaching & Learning Conference Scholarly work, posters, and practice sessions from teachers, students, university faculty, and other education professionals 


Buller Hall

To register contact: Luana Greulich (Luana@andrews.edu) and Janine Lim janine@andrews.edu

 10:30 am (EST)

May 22-25, 2024 


Andrews Research Conference: Early Career Researchers in the Social Sciences  Held jointly with Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association Buller Hall, Andrews University   Contact: Research@andrews.edu
May 22-25, 2024 Adventist Human-Subject Researchers Association: Human Subjects Research Impact and Insights for Managers & Administrators WeiXing Shi and Loren Hamel  Buller Hall, Andrews University    ongo@andrews.edu
July 19-20, 2024  Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice: Understanding Diverse Families  Presentations from Scholars & Students  Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary 


July 28-31, 2024 Leadership Conference and Roundtable 2024 1-day Leadership Conference and 2.5-day Roundtable events Hybrid. Andrews University on-campus & Virtual via ZOOM.