Frequently Asked Questions

  • Andrews University students
  • Andrews University alumni
  • Retired/Former Faculty & Staff

Current Faculty & Staff will continue to use Microsoft Exchange where applicable.

G Suite (formerly Google Apps) for Education gives you a professional-grade Google account which includes:
  • Classroom, an app that is available only with Google Apps for Education
  • Professional email at Andrews University's domain (Ex: instead of
  • Shared access to Drive, Calendars, Docs and more
  • Additional storage across Gmail and Drive
  • No advertising
  • 99.9% guaranteed uptime
  • Enhanced security features
Due to security risks, SquirrelMail has been decommissioned.  If you are a current Andrews University student or alumni, you will no longer use SquirrelMail.
Using your AU Gmail account guarantees that users will receive notices and messages from Andrews University.
Your email may be stuck in a loop. Disable forwarding in AU Gmail:
  1. Sign in to AU Gmail
  2. Select the "gear" in the upper right and click Settings
  3. Select Forwarding and POP/IMAP
  4. Select Disable Forwarding
  5. Select Save Changes
Remember, all email you receive will appear in the "All Mail" folder in your list of folders. If you think you are missing emails, check the All Mail folder!
It depends. As of June 24, 2018, email forwarding functions may be configured by signing into your AU Gmail account and following the steps outlined in Google's Gmail Help:  Turn automatic forwarding on or off.
Andrews University uses e-mail for much of its communication such as student bills, time sensitive notices, important campus announcements and emergency notices. When the University sends e-mail to Andrews faculty, staff, or students, its policy is to send to only the official Andrews e-mail address (
It is at the discretion of the each user to decide whether or not they would like to use their AU Gmail account or opt to forward email to an external account at their own risk.
As of June 24, 2018, email forwarding functions may be configured by signing into your AU Gmail account and following the steps outlined in Google's Gmail Help:  Turn automatic forwarding on or off.
In AU Gmail, if you see any legitimate messages from an listserv delivered to your Spam folder, you can create a filter to ensure that no emails are sent to your Spam folder:
  1. Select the "gear" in the upper-right and click Settings
  2. Select the Filters settings from the menu at the top
  3. Select Create a new filter at the bottom of the page
  4. Enter in From and click Create filter with this search
  5. Select Never send it to Spam
  6. Select Also apply filter to matching conversations
  7. Select Create filter
  8. A message will appear that says “Your filter was created.”
G Suite apps may include: Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Hangouts, Google+, Groups and the Google Docs suite. Visit the G Suite Learning Center for more information.
Your AU G Suite account is totally separate from your personal Gmail/Google account, so nothing will change about your personal Google account. You will not be able to integrate these two accounts at this time.
Anyone with an AU Gmail account may continue to use their AU Gmail account after they leave Andrews University. The University reserves the right to disable email accounts if it violates acceptable usage policy found in the Information Technology Usage Policy.
If you use AU Gmail, you no longer need to use the Can-IT Pro spam trap.
Yes. Email is owned by Andrews University and not Google. Google is the service provider. For more information about Google's privacy policy, visit:
Chrome is the preferred browser for Google services, and has the most functionality, including offline access. Google does support the two latest versions of Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Older versions may also work, but could prompt to use a more current version.

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